Sponsorship opportunities within BWC Glasgow

Level 1 - £1000

What you get:

Magazine advertising

  • Either a 1/2 page split over two issues of BWC magazine or one full page

8:45 Business Connections

  • An opportunity to promote your business to the business group


  • Brand awareness through our monthly eshots. Our monthly eshots to the BWC database will include your company details and logo.


  • Discounted tickets to BWC events and courses.

Corporate lunch

  • Invitation to corporate lunch hosted 4 times a year.

Level 2 sponsorship - £4,400

What you get:


  • Your company branding on the front cover of BWC magazine for 4 issues.

  • Advert or profile in 2 issues of BWC magazine


  • Table of 10 at the awards

  • Headline sponsor for an award category

Get in touch about sponsoring BWC Glasgow